Dream of cage.

Dream of cage is what mean?Dream dream of cage?Dream of cage with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of cage detailed solution.

Dream of cage.

Cage consists of fence, and prison prison, in the dream means trouble and sorrow.

Dream of a bird in a cage, it isGo to jailAnd the symbol of the struggle financially, and eye disease or illness.Mean punished due to his error, should be timely review of their words and deeds.

Dream of cage is empty, it means that carefree.

Dreaming that put the bird in the cage, means that is the past, can succeed in every way.

A dream if you see there are many birds in the cage, you will accumulate a lot of property or charming beautiful children.

There is only one bird in cage, said you to the opposite sex with a rich and free and easyTo get married

See vandalized the fierce bird cage, symbol you will overcome difficulties and opposition if you and a fierce bird in a cage at the same time, said the trip, may see an accident.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Put the bird cage, and serve."The duke of zhou interprets"

To see the empty cage, Lord."The duke of zhou interprets"

The cage bird, the ward main inauspicious."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: cage main troubles.Cage consists of fence, and prison prison, in the dream means trouble and sorrow.

Psychoanalysis: what does it mean to dream of cage is empty, Pepsi carefree, enjoy life.Dreaming that put the bird in the cage, is auspicious, means that is the past, can succeed in every way.

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