Dream of wood

Dream of wood is what mean?Dream dream of wood?Dream of board with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of wood solution to speak in detail.

Dream of wood

Young woman dreamed she was stepped on a piece of rotten planks dirty puddle, indicated that she will be keenly aware of their loved ones for her cold, or other possible trouble, she would be difficult to successfully defend their honor.

Tread on a piece of solid planks, is a good omen.But after doing this dream, the dreamer should be careful, pay attention to your words and deeds.

Dreamer if in a dream see oneself quietly standing on a board, which indicated he will take the risk of emotional.Dream board said that the dreamer is needed to solve life personally, to feel safe and stable.As a piece of the composition of the floor, plank symbol with security.As the door plank, it symbolizes the resist and refused.As a panel, it marks the inner world of the dreamer.

If the wood is used for construction materials, said the dreamer has enough material used for the plans of their own.If the wood is used for the cases, the dreamer must pay attention, avoid caught in a trap.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: if you see yourself in a dream quietly standing on a board, suggest you are about to take the risk of emotional.Dream of wood furniture or imply that needs to be repaired, or said you only personally solve life, you need to feel safe and stable.As a part of the floor, plank symbol with security.As the door plank, it symbolizes the resist and refused.As a panel, it marks the decoration in the heart of the world for you.

Psychological analysis: if the wood is used for building material, say you have enough material for the plans of their own.Timber tree species is also very important.Let you recall the past lives, if the wood is used for the cases, you must pay attention, avoid caught in a trap.

Spiritual symbol: do you have the necessary raw materials, so as to make clear through all stages of their lives.So maybe you should think about his life in what is the real purpose of the world.

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