Dream of a riddle

Dream of riddle is what mean?Dream dream of riddles?Dream of riddles have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official websiteDetailed) small make up to help you organize the dream of a riddle solution.

Dream of a riddle

A man dreamed of riddles, you will be worried about family property, the family business.Or work on to face new situation, need to change the situation.

marriedA womanDreaming that I am guessing that should worry about their children.

Students dreamed that he in guessing, portend forThe testVery worried.

Patient dreamed of riddles, and promises to be a doctor to adjust the treatment plan, the illness will get better.

Prisoners dream of riddles, for violating prison rules, will be an additional punishment.

Soldiers dream of guessing, said in the battlefield, or perform a task, and struggling against enemy, need to find ways to get rid of trouble.

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