Dream of the garbage

Dream of garbage is what mean?Dream dream of garbage?Dream of garbage have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of garbage detailed solution.

Dream of the garbage

Garbage is usually like treasure, good luck.Dream to throw the garbage into the garbage can, also could be symbol of the life that you want to discard the worry, unpleasant memories, or want to forget things.

Dreaming that I walk on the garbage that is good luck to you, get unexpected harvest.

Dreamed about in the street corner is filled with trash, predict health to decline, pay particular attention to the respiratory system disease, more small problems such as not to catch cold, cold treat STH lightly.

Dream of home is full of junk that you want to be rich, rich life happiness.

Dream of head handling waste, is inauspicious, insulted and contempt.

Dream of the wifeDelivery of junk that you may get the father-in-law's house property or gift.

Dream of friends in handling waste, suggest you can get the help of friends when I was in difficulty.

Dream of the enemy ship garbage, indicate that you may encounter danger or being attacked by the enemy, enemy will get profit or money.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

House full of garbage, the main business."The duke of zhou interprets"

Garbage upward, and good luck."The duke of zhou interprets"

Wife send junk, very rich."The duke of zhou interprets"

Above junk, is fierce."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: garbage said you think useless experience and feeling in my dream.You must be determined and classifying garbage, what should leave, what should be discarded.Dreaming that I am garbage collection shows you made a wrong judgment or speculation.

Psychology analysis: garbage is usually produced by the people's food, it symbolizes the beneficial to human body health factors in dream.

Spiritual symbol: from this level, dreams remind you have the time to clear mental garbage.

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