Dream of warship

Dream of warship is what mean?Dream dream of warships, ok?Dream of warships have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of warship detailed solution.

Dream of warship

Ships, also known as the naval vessels, it is combat mission of ship at sea.

Dream of a warship, leave the country, friends and separation, began a long foreign travel.This dream and political disputes.

Dream of warship won't start, said foreign international factors will damage the interests of the motherland.

Dream of warships toward the surgeThe seaSailing, said foreign forces may bring threats to your personal things, a lot of your personal things might be broken.

Dream of warships, indicated in the heart is full of challenge of courage, will succeed.

Soldiers dream of warships, also indicated that you will get rewards.

Dream of case analysis of a ship

Dream description: dreaming that I am in a very large ships, the ships fired a missile and missile suddenly drill into the water and blown into two and a half with their own ships, I and a woman in half of the ships sink, then they were half ship saved up, the dream is too deep, what's the meaning?

Resolution: dream dream of warship sank, means that you will encounter difficulties come true, but also good, finally rescued, wish will come true after after a difficult or.

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