Dream of the script

Dream of play is what mean?Dream dreamed that the script is good?Dreamed that the script has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of script detailed solution.

Dream of the script

Young women dream of performing the characters in a play, forecast the pursuit of a gentle friend her, in order to broaden their horizons and to seek happiness, she will marry him.

Dream to enter the play roles in or come out from the role of emotional experience, or a jarring or ugly scenes, indicated that she will face many unfortunate accident.

Dream of theatre is presenting drama, is the forerunner of happiness.

Dream of tired drama, says you are in entertainment or private things will have to accept is not the best partner.

Dream of writing, will become a scholar, a respected.

Married women dreamed of when the actor in the drama, can be abandoned by her husband.

Men dreamed of a play, you will add additional expense.

A womanDream of a play, be careful, you will be bullied.

Dream of and friends together to see the play, you will be strong.

Dream of and his wife together go to the drama, husband and wife life harmony and happiness.

Businessman dreamed and friends go to see the drama, the business will prosper.

Lovestruck women dream and lovers to see the plays, two people want to meet soon.

Married women dreamed that he became a comedian, can be abandoned by her husband.

Dreamed of going to the theatre, said with distant friends together.

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