Dream of gold

Dream of good is what mean?Dream dream of gold, ok?Dream of ok have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of good detailed solution.

Dream of gold

Dream of gold, which indicated how great your, fame and fortune, and all the best.

A pregnant womanDream of Jin Yuhuan, says it will give birth to the son of the belowed and smart.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream of gold, great riches and honor."Dunhuang dream book"

Dream of gas flux, great luck.This is a dream when the main developed, rich and famous.Found in every, no desire, no and shall not in any doubt.In Thailand, disease to donate, suit to knot, LongZhang, bitter fleabane bitter fleabane, big can put to good use, eyebrow exhaling, all the best also."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Jin Yuhuan, gave birth to a son."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dreamed of gold case analysis

Description: dream night dreamed I fell inlaid in the inset jades of the phoenix, only one jade brand!Then find the piece of golden phoenix, I put it in his hand, but did not install, just have on idea, no action!The inset jades is my boyfriend gave me, he also has a piece, he also like me more, have dreamt of this kind of situation, so I really want to know the meaning, it is very important to me.

Resolution: dream dream of gold, portend a setback.Dream of jade, is a symbol of happy, will bring you success and love.A womanDream lost his gold, suggest new jewelry, is a good thing.You dreamed of gold gold fell off, with only a jade, suggest you love will be very smooth, more harmonious feelings, will soon into the marriage hall.

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