Dream of the scaffold

Dream of the scaffold is what mean?Dream dream of scaffolding, ok?Dream of scaffold has the reality and the influence of the reaction, but also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of scaffolding detailed solution.

Dream of the scaffold

Scaffolding of dream, is a symbol of social status and sincere friendship.

Dream a scaffold, it is a good dream, means a new opportunity comes along, to improve social status.

Men dreamed of scaffolding, indicated the improvement of social status.

Women dream of the scaffold, indicating that will get people's help.

Dream of stepped down from the scaffold, suggest you will feel guilty for his mistakes and punished.

Dreaming that I am falling from the scaffolding that accident found himself involved in cheating and hurt the behavior of others, let you feel very consternation.

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