Dream of the jacket

What's the meaning of dream jacket?Dream dream of jacket?Dream of jacket with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of jacket detailed solution.

Dream of the jacket

Dream of MAO jacket, will get sick.

A womanDream of fur jacket, will marry the best man of your heart.

Dreamed a jacket at the police station or the army, Chinese fir patients dreamed their clothes stolen, disease recovery.

The unemployed a jacket from others, will be able to find a job.

Dreamed of jacket case analysis

Description: dream dreamed of wearing leather jackets men by myself a gun in his hand.

Dreams resolution: if you want your lover so dressed up to date with yourself, you can watch out.Because you like love a very "cool" image, not only have strong vitality, but also to the requirement of "sex" is very strong, because his gun in his hand, it is the symbol of the male genitalia.This dream suggests that you value your lover's appearance, hope his strong powerful, can protect themselves, and it also implies you itself is also a man of great desire to "sex", so in love, must be careful, control yourself.

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