Dream of gunpowder

Dream of gunpowder is what mean?Dream dream of gunpowder, ok?Dream of gunpowder have reality and the influence of the reaction, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the detailed solution of gunpowder.

Dream of gunpowder

Dream of the fireMedicine, on the one hand, suggest you can win, said the change on the other hand, suggests that may appear to mobilize or to workmove

Dreaming that I am in the manufacture of powder that you can beat the competition rivals at work and was transferred to a better position, have the opportunity to lead.

studentsThe testBefore the dream of gunpowder, suggest you can have good grades, exam well, among the best results.

Men dreamed of gunpowder, means that the sudden change of career.

Women dream of gunpowder, indicate unexpected changes in the house.

Dream of gunpowder, suggests that the tolerance of the dreamer in mind on something, has reached a certain limit, may have to have to the extent of the outbreak.

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