Dream is broken

Dream of the broken things is what mean?Dream dream of the broken things, ok?Dream of bad things have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you to arrange the thing of dream has broken the detailed solution.

Dream is broken

Dream of breaking things, this is bad omen of quarrel with people, in the recent mood is a little more control, otherwise it's easy to make so much noise is very fierce.If the dream of the furniture broke, it said family feud, beat and scold may quarrel.

Dream of the elevator is out of control, there are two possibilities, one says changes in environmental turbulence, and the other who reflect your mood changes.

Dream of the elevator broke down, down, it shows that your recent work and life will encounter obstacles, by this time have to be careful.

In addition, the sex when have intense curiosity, also would do such a dream, but the elevator stops, it showed his fear of sex or sexual disorder.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: if the dream is broken, says the dreamer to realize the dream of the object has no value, or is broken.Feel bad, this may mean that the dreamer restless, he may think is a bad guy.

Psychology analysis: if the dream of the food tastes terrible, said the dreamer don't care about their own thoughts, mental, or emotional needs.Dream of bad smell, suggests that the dreamer with no support from the surrounding.

Spirit: the spirit level, dream a bad thing symbol of evil.

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