Dream of the property

Dreamed that property is what mean?Dream dream of property?Dream of property have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see below (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of property detailed solution.

Dream of the property

A womanDream of a lucrative property, predict to worry about their children's safety.

Traders dream of rich property, demonstrates that business would be a loss, should be cautious, considering.

Dreamed that other people have a lot of property, suggest you dissolute life, luxury, will gradually depleted savings in the home.

Dream of the wifeTo own property, good, your income will increase, or business.

Dreamed that he abandoned property, may be threatened by the opponent, was defeated by the enemy.

The dream has been hiding property, engage in a lawsuit will spend money.

Married women dream of inherited property, parents will die.

Unmarried men dream of inherited the underworld, because adopts the mode of operation of huge losses.

Men dreamed of inherited the movables, will meet the pain.

But women dream of inherited the movables, framed.

Dream of lost property, to good luck.

Dream of lost property, engage in a lawsuit will do good business soon.

The dream of buying property, home to the wedding soon.

Women dream of buying property, the husband will get sick.

A man dreamed that his property was taken away, affluent life happiness.

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