Dream of brandy

What is the meaning of dream of brandy?Dream dream of brandy?Dream of brandy with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of brandy detailed solution.

Dream of brandy

Dream of brandy, indicate when you will be at the height of wealth and fame, you will be natural and elegant, and this kind of elegant, can win the true love would you most like to please people.

Dream of wine, usually want to be rich.

If the dream ofdrinkingBut no vegetables, is will be setbacks, do not.But the liquor or wine to do such a dream, is money and treasures will be plentiful.

Dream of someone drunk, be careful the borrowed money is difficult to recover, being squandered.

If the dream of and leadership or senior people together to drink, suggest you want to good luck, will be promoted and recognition, career, want to be famous.

Unmarried men dream of drinking excitedly, indicated that soonTo get married

Men dreamed of pour their wives or girlfriends, conjugal love, feelings of happiness.

Wife husband dreamed to pour, hinted atpregnancyTo have children

If the sick or the old man dreamed that he drink drink off, also suggested that may be in danger.

In addition, if the dream of drunk very afflictive, had a drink or feel some unconscious, this dream is indicated that the body has a problem, may be sick, want vigilant, carefully take care of your body.

Students dreamed of his drinking, signalThe testSmoothly.

Dreaming that I am drinking with friends together, said a happy life, there are a lot of friends, also may indicate recent someone in your family, friends and family to get married the in-laws.

Dream of leisurely drink, while your mind is pure and fresh, the work can be very effective, or academic performance will improve, the exam.

Dreamed that you drink that there will be something worth celebrating, improve grades, work smoothly.But if the dream felt bitter or sour wine to drink, taste is very bad, can suggest that is likely to encounter the setback, evil, sad mood.

In addition, if the dream of yourself and others together to drink, but some people only drink, eat, don't move chopsticks may also suggest someone will meet disaster.

If in a dream to drink, drunk, then reveal the inner desire to escape from reality.

The patient dreamed that he drink, can accentuate illness.

Dreaming that I am drinking alone, home may make antinomy, have you had to happen to drink.

Dream of wine cellar or many bottles of wine, suggesting that rich life happiness.

Dreaming that I am to go to the party drink, said the body health, life enrichment, prosperity.

Dreamed that he sell wine, may arguments with friends and relatives.

The scene of a dream of shenzhen predict exam smoothly, academic success.

Dream together drink, celebrating reunion, such dreams may indicate there may be a loss.

Dreaming that I am in jiuquan, said a happy life, career, all the best.

Dreamed that he's struggled to drink, either yourself, or with friends together, usually expressed in life may be provoked, draw breath.

Dream of wine to give others, said the life happiness, rich happiness, no worries.

Dream of brandy

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