Parsing of Buddhism and Taoism about dreams

Buddhism and Taoism about dreams are very seriously, whether it is the practice of Buddhism, and Taoism, the dream can play a very important role.Buddhist heart, pay attention to causality, practice for Buddhism is the embodiment of the heart, dream is strongly associated with cause and effect.For Buddhism, the dream is a kind of phase, the phase is not born, not go out, the method and the supreme state of the Buddha is "all that is false, all can can be broken, don't fall, be detached.For Taoism, the universe, from the nature, natural rule, everything is a part of yourself, the dream is no exception.Dream is unreal consciousness, Taoist pursuit of detachment is harmony.

Buddhism and Taoism about parsing _ duke of zhou interprets dreams

"Diamond sutra" yue: "all the promising method, such as illusory, like dew or like electricity, should be done that way."Dream is a manifestation of the mind, as life is a journey, a dream is a cycle, is a cause and effect.A lot of people in life, always feel incomparably real dreams, it's just in the heart of an obsession.The deeper the obsession, the dream is true.Buddhism believes that a person in the life of the deeper, so the pain will lead to greater experience.Will this obsession is embodied in dreams, the deeper the obsession, the more difficult it is to distinguish between dream and reality.A person to get comfortable, must know to put down, from a promising method, jump out of a dream life.

Buddha said: "all Buddha and with my heart, about all like a dream;All Buddha images like, since the heart like water;All fo all hue, and with the heart, is like magic."Everything from the heart, heart, dream since birth, for the practice of Buddhism, the dream is a mind game, all the idealism, the dream is also made by heart, so the most important thing is to repair the heart.Take heart to achieve long sleep, to wake up from my dream and found that originally was a dream.

Dream is a cause and effect, for Buddhism, the world everything has a cause and effect, context, circular causality, endless.No matter what is a dream, on behalf of the cause and effect, may be your future because, like many people find dreams sometimes has a role to predict the future.May also be the past, has been a thing of the past have forgotten, dreams can remind you of this paragraph of cause and effect.

Taoism is all earthly detachment, the dream is a kind of Taoist practice.Lao zi said: "people method, method of day, day tao, tao natural.", one of the most famous dream, should be in dream with the butterfly.This is the face of the Taoist a natural rule, the universe is all part of his, only the natural rule, is likely to achieve the unity of nature and man.For Taoism, the dream is a kind of natural rule to try.

Buddhism think dream is a kind of phase, all, all is vanity, and it is a big end.For Taoism, the dream is the combination of detachment and reality has a very close relationship, between dream and reality, sometimes-complex mix-and-match I have you, is not false.Buddha said life is like a dream, that is everything is virtual, if not can be broken, in the end is with a sieve.The Taoist life is like a dream, a dream is like real life, if can control their own dreams, so also can control their own life.

Buddhism believes people in distress, this life is the afterlife, hopes to realize the detachment of the heart, this life the afterlife can to bliss, so the Buddha think, dream is a part of people a lot of karma, to be detached, will can be broken.Must come from the ordinary heart, in my dream to dream of the Buddha mind.Taoism is this life, no afterlife, only this life.Taoist obtained is natural rule, harmony, in the hope that this life can be perfect, so just can have ZhuangZhou and butterfly into each other.

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