You rely on what gathered popularity in the workplace

You rely on what gathered popularity in the workplace

Do you want to know yourself in the workplace is to rely on what gathered popularity?Want to know the answer, will quickly test!

【 title 】

Cooking competition, foodies carefully taste every chef's entries.Main entries had four courses, they are A Thai lemon shrimp, B coconut cake sticky shrimp, C and D nut roast lamb chops.Foodies eat Thai lemon shrimp frowned, coconut cake eating shrimp, they are made to swallow is like to, when they eat sticky almost shook his head at the same time, in the end, they tasted the nuts, grilled lamb chop, just have a bite, they immediately took a big saliva together.In the four dish will award which dish?

Sort here are four ways, it is according to the winning possibility size up in the food, the food is most likely to win the top, are less likely to win the food line in the back.Please select one of the most close to your idea.There is no standard answer, please don't peep the answer before make a choice.





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You rely on what gathered popularity _ psychological test in the workplace

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