The habit of being you hate

The habit of being you hate

The habit of everyone is different, some of them are have formed when I was in a small, many habits may we ourselves are not aware of, may be some small habits, but in the eyes of others is an eyesore, also it may alienate you, because they hate you, you of what used to be people hate, let's do a test!

1, changed a new job and came to the new office environment, what would you get along with new colleagues?

Plain and not special curry favor with the new colleagues - 2

The new must treatHave a meal- 3, and should choose to compare a fancy place

Buy snacks for everyone - 4

And colleagues chat gossip closer distance - 5 each other

Measuring the habit of being you hate _ psychological test

Though, just to you, but your intuition tell you, a new colleague hostile to you, then you will do?

Privately about each other - 3 don't like their own reasons

Don't ask why, also hostile to each other - 4

And relatives complain bad handle interpersonal relationships - 5

Deliberately to please TA - 6

3, company organization, tourism destination is the place where have you been to a lot of time, what would you do?

Although the hardened his scalp, but really feel boring, had also boring - 4 with colleagues

Deliberately show off its been to a lot of times, the chance to say you don't want to go - 5

Are complaining about the scenery along the way is not the United States, the problem such as accommodation is not good enough - 6

White don't go, do not go to company and paid anyway - 7

4, and colleagues to go to the pub, meet straight line, will you?

Silly to leave telephone to somebody else, perhaps to meet with each other about out alone - 5

Believe that "there is no true love in the romantic field" and resolutely refused to - 6

In the mind is very proud, is not willing to face - 7

To refuse, but the whole night will peeping at the opposite sex - 8

5, rest over the weekend, what do you like best?

At home to talk on the phone - 6

To go to the mall and see what things to buy - 7 discount

No one to play not happy, no money no happy, no lover is not happy, is not happy - 8 anyway

How happy how to play and eat, of course - 9

6, company a is said to be the new associates of new employees, will you?

Information gathered from the parties, investigating all the ins and outs of this man - 7

Disdain, no specialized treatment - 8

Want to take good relations and the family - 9

Exclamation oneself is not a "democracy", blaming yourself - 10

7, if you're single, enthusiastic colleagues introduce to youA blind dateObject, you will be rejected?

Depending on each other economic conditions - 8

Put the other's family, education, conduct ask before you make a decision - 9

Although refused, but heart very curious - 10

Afraid of B and refuse, not equal to the other

8, boss sent you quarterly bonus, you will get the money, please colleagues to rub a meal?

This is, of course, spent money to finish his point it doesn't matter, as long as everyone happy - 9

Suspicion of bonus too little and don't know where to eat good - 10

Go to an inexpensive restaurant, balance and best - D

9, the company break room overheard a secret, you will keep his mouth shut?

Only say -- 10 and his family and friends

Will can't help but share with all colleagues secret - C

And the relationship between good colleague said - B

Will, more than the less - A

10, colleagues invite you together online shopping save the postage, would you?

To save the postage and something can't buy many fundamental use - D

Readily agreed to, and even help to find more cost-effective - B

Rejection, over the Internet - A

It would abandon the buy back something bad that bad - C

Test results:

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