The horse zodiac pairing marriage

  Belong to the horseZodiac pairing marriage

The horse zodiac pairing marriage

Chinese zodiac matched -- a horse

With tiger: noble generous tiger make horses are willing to pay for it, horse can also get the tiger sincere feelings.

With sheep: easily attracted to the tenderness of the sheep, the sheep dependent make ma feel happiness.

With dog: intelligent dogs help horse development career, horse won't miss such a good partner, of course.

Cream with rat, ox, quoted as other times.

The horse

Male + female rat ma: not so happy, the two sides easily repeatedly, directly affect the feelings of both sides.

Female horse + male mouse: marriage is general, because the two sides are blind and impulsive, and even cause the unfortunate events such as divorce.

Men and horses + female cattle: the woman he was determined to return to power, the man is happy center, lead to family affection is not very good.

Female horse + male cow: both sides are difficult to live together, because both sides understand each other.

Male + female tiger: ma can live together, the man have to do her husband's responsibilities, of course, made the heart of the woman find sustenance.

Female horse + male tiger: marriage is quite ideal.The man is willing to guarantee the woman's independent consciousness from harm.

Male horse + female rabbit: very happy marriage, the woman can make family very warm, let the husband feel very satisfied.

Female horse + male rabbit: the man is a faithful friend of the woman.If both sides is not tired, can produce love.

Male + female dragon horse: marriage is not very ideal, the wife to her husband continually attention, and the husband is too self-centered, tend to ignore it.

Female horse + male dragon: everything had been planned, as to whether, for a long time is hard to predict.

Male horse + female snake: both sides can get along together, but the man must try their best to make her feel happy.

Female horse + male snake: a match made in heaven, it is very nice couple.

Male horse + female horse: marriage is very harmonious, although occasionally small bicker, but can understand each other, support each other.

Male horse + female sheep: love is happiness.Man admire woman, can give the woman a sense of security.

Female horses + male sheep: marriage can also, but men of all energy is not in the family.

Male horse + female monkey: not very well, because both sides lack the necessary understanding and trust.

Female horse + male monkey: it's not reasonable to, both sides get a healthy relationship rather than trickery.

Male + female chicken ma: can't live together, the woman can't stand the man's antics.

Female horse + male chicken: the man is not the object of the woman, and don't miss a better man for the job.

Male + female dog ma: harmonious life, then run the woman in order to dream, cheng need to get the man's support and help.

Female horse + male dog: a good marriage.The man will give everything for the woman.

Male horse + female pig: a good marriage, a happy pair.

Female horse + male pig: not harmonious, the man will not feel satisfied to their feelings, women also can't stand each other too strong sense of self.

Of horse animal sign the marriage law

(1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

Marriage: tiger (Yin), dogs, sheep (not) (xu-gou)

Remind: horse, in different months of their marriage have different animal sign:

S born in January, the strength of character, men should match the year of the ox women, women should match the pig men.

S born in February, the broad measure, men should match the year of the rat women, women with men in the year of dog.

S born in March, full of dreams, men should match the monkey women, women should match the year of the ox men.

S born in April, the active extrovert, men should be with local women, women should match the snake in men.

S people, may have a mathematical mind, women, men should match the year of the rat women men should match the year of the rat.

S born in June, the striking, men should be with local women, women should match the monkey men.

S July, good-hearted, men should match the year of the rabbit women, women should match the year of the dog.

S born in August, the lack of popularity, men should match the snake in women, women should match the year of the dog.

S born in September, handout spirit, women, men should match the year of the rat women should match the year of the rabbit.

S born in October, very careful, men should match the year of the tiger women, women should match the year of the ox men.

S born in November, meet the status quo, men should match the horse women, women should match in the male.

S born in December, impulsive, women, men should match the year of the rat year women should match the men.

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