Mr. Xu zhai in September, 2016, Chinese zodiac chart

Mr. Xu zhai in September, 2016, Chinese zodiac chart

The Gregorian calendar: on September 1, 2016 - September 30, 2016

Power: on c xu-gou Ding You BingShen years - YiMao Ding You BingShen year month day

Air-dried: fire

The stars: dangerous

Time: the air-dried than meet of earthly branches

Gan: unitary gold features: the fire bureau of grams of gold


Just spend big fierce moon, rat will be more this month, will be of great help for career development.With the company colleagues can live in peace, the boss is more valued, the possibility of a pay rise.Especially pay attention to the top leaders have a lot of people, work hard especially easy to get superior leadership recognition and praise.Have a good fortune, can invest appropriately, but not too much, too, otherwise it will backfire.Emotional attention should be paid to their partners, probably because of less time together are grumbling, should be more tolerant, lest feelings burst;And must be alert to any third party.Physical, pay more attention to the eyes and vision, avoid caused by busy sleep less, exhaustion, headache, and neurasthenia symptoms.

Zodiac cattle

The second half of this month's luck is one of the best in January, sanhe emperor flourishing, the third the unitary ugly triad bureau of emperor of, have a triad noble help, for a good work, to work, also easy to meet nice people that will help in the business.This month must seize the opportunity to recruit, develop business, seek cooperation and so on interpersonal relationships.Master of wisdom suggests emotional is good also, before you have misunderstanding for adjustment, deepening relationship, must to cultivate and deepen feelings, sanhe emperor flourishing of finances is very good, put the five sub-ka 】 after fill the hole of the waste, work hard, there will be a good financial income, is its partial goods is pretty good, but don't greed leads to be fooled.Work busy cause sleep less, exhaustion, headache, and neurasthenia symptoms.

Zodiac tiger

Undertake fierce shipped last month, the influence of turbulence of luck again and again this month, the difficulties, from all aspects of the pressure will increase;Large consumption affect the finances, there will be transferred or on-the-job personnelmoveAnd often go out, the job, career and fluid, the mood often uneasy;Within this month, therefore, not only to be careful to deal with bad from work career, feelings of husband and wife also need to carefully care, unmarried relationships should be paid attention to, in case of lost love, or when, and to prevent against, prevent financial ruin;For larger partnerships will look before you leap, such as listen to old man and the friend's advice is wonderful;oftenDriving a carPeople should pay attention to traffic safety, to prevent accidents happen, waist should pay attention to physical health, kidney.

The Chinese zodiac rabbit

This month is the month of zodiac rabbit six rushed, unitary chicken), the whole month of turbulence is bigger, some disadvantages for fortune telling, need to prepare in advance, in case when caught off guard.And rob the occurrence of evil spirit, red injury accident prone to evil, this month to wear mascot will use three liuhe day right liuhe 】 【 customs clearance stepping outside the resolve of evil spirit, best put tianbao nine such as feng shui 】 even furnishing articles dissolve dead character very attract people alongside the body.Although you positive efforts in this month, but good luck does not come.Some work on the surface finish is ok, actually hide inside failure, must take seriously, or hurt yourself.

Zodiac dragon

Zodiac dragon this month is the month of liuhe, one of the best in the second half, easy to get people to help, especially tai sui and liuhe big noble, can dissolve this month less auspicious, and conducive to launch a career, there will be new opportunities, and plans to become, ideal career development, there will be a very considerable income.Emotional conjugal love this month, without too much conflict, no misunderstanding between lovers, although some contradictions, but can be solved on the day.Master of wisdom of the tips on health not much infortune, basic no disease, no disease.Strong relationships, should have a good working opportunity.

Zodiac snake

Zodiac snake met this month in January, "emperor prosperous" of the most popular has unitary ugly three alloy board, at the same time stepping with unitary golden palace, first see emotional single friend to grasping the opportunity to choose a good partner, but to prevent promiscuous, merit and take, do not take on too much.There is noTo get marriedFriend to prevent the inconsistency, aim high, high mountain and hill, don't compare the advantages and disadvantages of a friend, will keep a single-minded and.Master of wisdom of the tip have been married friends this month to prevent an affair, suggest to less exciting entertainment occasions, very easy to bring home the "peach blossom", the feelings of a family, finally riding a tiger, backfire, nothing at all.On the work progress, easy to get the boss promoted and appreciate this month, have the opportunity to a promotion and pay increase, must behave well, trying to show off their talent.

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