Mr. Xu zhai in July 2016, zodiac chart

Mr. Xu zhai in July 2016, zodiac chart

The lunar June fortunes

The Gregorian calendar: on July 4, 2016 - August 2, 2016

Power: BingShen years b - not ding hai of month day on c Chen BingShen year b did not

In this month shipment bearing: southeast of the south

This month is the most auspicious color: green, red

This month to black day: July 7, the Gregorian calendar, July 10, on July 16, July 22.

The rat

Rat this month and 6 month a committed, fortunes specious, with bad, therefore work must not act too hastily, so as to avoid haste makes waste and for the insult.There are in work stability.All things let nature take its course, the opportunity not to should not importune.Because of the reason of six evils, health problems, in addition to pay attention to the heart and stomach and maintenance, and have enough sleep to rest, to avoid physical and mental strain and the devil.Money, spending is much and big, need to pay attention to the open source throttling.Prevent red mass annihilation.Interpersonal aspect, is the worst of the year this month, this month's day, people don't give force, easy to be framed to report, see people speak three points, not trusting people too much.

The cow

Zodiac cattle make six rush, Chinese zodiac, and this month month make blunt, mainly is to rush about, may bemove, change the office environment, promotion but not necessarily for a raise.Suitable for travel and visit friends and relatives, if you already haveTo get marriedOr has stable heterosexual friends, it is suggested that often together, lest infortune taken advantage of the infringement, destroy the feelings and relationship, a mascot early wear mountain chicken sounded good luck.Master of wisdom of tip money also is quite good, there are some windfall and positive wealth into innings, but belong to the state of "much cry and little wool", real income is not much.Lunar calendar in May in the first half of June is the zodiac cattle in two of the most fierce, pay special attention.

The tiger

Because is the best month in the first half of last month, made in January, have a good chance this month, fortunes improved significantly, work career have a good harvest, and is likely to get promoted and promotion, make your own boss is the objective of income, money is very good, is its partial goods can be very smooth, suitable for investment or investment, can expand, day wins.Health because of the influence of the blade flurry evil spirit, pay attention to the lower respiratory tract disease, prone to diseases such as cold, fever, but the problem is not big, prevention.Emotional this month to meet Mr Right, heterosexual love more strong.

The rabbit

This month is the best in the first half of the Chinese zodiac rabbit luck, hai bases not triad bureau moon of wood base, last month do set the stage for this month, good luck in fortune this month.Fortunes have signs of improvement, the day's noble and tai chi people especially for power, working on some support, the emergence of a new opportunity, there are some new turning point.Suggest going to bed to do some more reading work, will help you more on recovery and calm mind.The stalemate between the other elders with their parents in this month is easy to break, to resolve contradictions, emotional and partner is more harmonious and pleasant.Fortune is good, although not too much of a partial goods, but higher income information is more, are some positive aspects.


Zodiac dragon's fortunes can also this month, not infortune after life, money is good also, on a certain income, but also big spending.althoughBelong to the dragonFortune this year very ideal, but suspected of money of this month, earn money not easy, and may be money to other people, and although there is no infortune to subvert the coffers, but this month income can't keep up.Officer this month operators work at the same time, very easy to cause bad effects to the marriage and body health, pay attention to the feelings of husband and wife don't let the misunderstanding deepen, the relationship between the generation and the younger generation also have to deal with, not to produce crack.Peach blossom information this month also is more powerful, single friend should take part in some social activities a lot this month, some members of the opposite sex friends, is expected to end the single life.

The snake

Zodiac snake this month, and luck, emotional couples can together this month, festive, family also easy HeHeMuMu, mother and children, almost no third party involvement this month, no external cause the feelings of a family.Can choose the ideal object and single friends, ready to get married next year.Master of wisdom of prompt career this month is in a state of stable development, although there are a lot of income increase, but no significant progress on the work situation attention health of common diseases, prone to some cold, fever, diarrhea and other diseases, but is not serious.

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