Dream of spermatorrhea

Dream of spermatorrhea is what mean?Dream dream of seminal emission?Dreamed spermatorrhea have reality and the influence of the reaction, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed about spermatorrhea detailed solution.

Dream of spermatorrhea

Spermatorrhea is not because of sex and semen of the drain.Among them the dream, and spermatorrhea said "wet dream";Without dream, spermatorrhea, even waking semen flow of call "semen leakage".It must be pointed out.Every adult unmarried man, or married couples separated, long-term sex, January 1 ~ 2 times is a physiological phenomenon spermatorrhea.Such as spermatorrhea too many times, more than 2 times per week, or waking flow, accompanied by dizziness, depression, waist and leg weakness, insomnia and so on, it's sick.

Dreamed that he, spermatorrhea, family circumstances will be rich.

Men dreamed of spermatorrhea reasons: 1, the fatigue: excessive physical or mental work, the body tired, deep sleep, the brain cortex under central activities strengthen and spermatorrhea.2, physical factors: lie on your back to sleep, bedding warm heavy, stimulate, oppression genitals, or wear tights, squeeze the erect penis, and induce spermatorrhea.3, sexual stimulation environmental impact: Yellow Book or movie sexual stimulation of the lens to stimulate the brain, such as trigger spermatorrhea.4, the psychological factor: due to the lack of sexual knowledge, excessive concentration to sexual problems, to sexual stimulation is easy to be accepted, persist in the brain cortex sexual excitement, so as to induce spermatorrhea.5, the essence is full overflow: men's testicles produce sperm, seminal vesicle and prostate gland also constantly produce secretions.Stored in the body to a certain amount, the semen from the urethra automatically discharged.6, inflammation stimulation: external genital organs and accessory sex gland inflammation, such as wrapping glans phlogistic, prostatitis, seminal vesicle phlogistic, epididymitis and other stimulus and spermatorrhea.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream spermatorrhea.Spill dream and wake up to see, this god cold blood the waist in the wind, therefor, diseases shall be appropriate nursing, cannot inadvertent."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

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