Dream of repair the toilet

Dream of toilet is what mean?Dream dream of repair the toilet?Dream of repairing toilets have a real impact and response, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of detailed solution of fix the toilet.

Dream of repair the toilet

Dream of repairThe toiletThat the life will become very clean.

Dream of dredge the toilet, says it will get a windfall.

Dream of the toilet in the house shall be built, said to generative.

Dreamed of a friend said in cleaning the bathroom, you can get the support of the people, or is to help, so as to solve the difficulties, a success.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: for many, the toilet is dirty and lack of positive symbol.In addition, the toilet and sexual love.Dream toilet may reflect your demand for secrecy and freedom in their own space to vent the feelings of desire.

Psychological analysis: a broken toilet said you emotionally.Entered a strange toilets, says you can't find a way out of the situation.Cleaning a dirty toilet, said you give up your behavior at home.

Spiritual symbol: on spiritual level, and I dream toilet symbol and the means to remove all the negative factors.

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