Sexual dreams

Dream of sexual dreams

One, dream and his colleagues have sex.

If the dream to have sex with heterosexual colleagues (haven't tried any of such reality dreamer), and emotional tone is pleasant, the symbolic meaning of the dreamer in the practical work in collaboration with colleagues very happy and well.For example, a clerk dream of having sex with female boss.Through the interpretation of dreams, always communication with his female boss work not smooth, psychological hope to improve the condition of the poor communication with her.In the dream "sex" represented his expectation and the desire of the female boss communicate smoothly.

Second, the dream of having sex with their relatives.

If the dream of relatives, elders have sex with the opposite sex dreams, is probably can be divided into two kinds of circumstances, if the object is father or mother, psychoanalytic theory is the dreamer of "incest desire" psychological reflection, called it "the DiPu complex".Psychologists, however, research has shown that "incest sexual desire seldom appears in a dream, on the contrary it will appear with metaphor and symbol, which tend to dream a nightmare."

Sex object is the dreamer reverence and respect elders or elderly, symbol is ideological exchanges and resonance.For example, a female psychologist dreamed that she and a very famous old man have sex.The old man represents the traditional, the meaning of the dream is representative of her ideas and traditional thought has carried on the exchange and the resonance.

Third, dreamed of being raped.

A girl dreaming that "I have been raped, but there is always a man raped my dream will tell me he didn't succeed, I'm still a virgin.Strangely, in the dream of rape is I voluntarily, rape me as the old man is my grandpa.There is a strange thing is that they raped me from behind."

In the dream, "rape" symbol with a will be imposed on her.Behind the "rape" improper symbol in front of her, had made for her decision against her will."Grandpa", "old man" symbol will exert to her male elders or obsolete ideas."Voluntary", said her attitude to impose its will be compliant."He didn't succeed I was a virgin" said although impose its will to her, but I still can't change her original idea.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: love affairs with the opposite sex in a dream, even happen relationship, this phenomenon is called dream.Sexual dreams is the essence of a latent consciousness activity, is one of human normal sexual activity.Sexual dream content can be extremely complicated, messy and imaginary fragments, or it can be a full sexual behavior related to a specific things.Dream everybody has, dreamed of in different sex, different scenarios and represent a variety of meanings, try to recall ever had a dream, can detect your inner thoughts.

Psychology analysis: a dream of having sex with strangers, the main sexual fantasies.Dream a sex object, often is not your wife or girlfriend, should be first guilt, remorse.The dream is merely reflects your sexual fantasies, but in real life, is still a place you are good man.Dream and not beautifulA womanSexual intercourse, suggesting that you appreciate the inner beauty.This is the subconscious trying to tell you, your heart has found her advantages, not to like her because of the beautiful appearance.Dream and gay sex, tension with the opposite sex.Such dreams about gay, not comrades tend to sign, but the man of a kind of psychological comfort, means your recent tensions and members of the opposite sex, and gay but most can understand their thoughts and feelings.Dream incest, suggesting that need comfort relatives.The ethics of the strange dream, is not a, it also indicates the tension between men and women, or communication difficult times of anxiety, or your heart is the family member is expected to identity, to comfort you, but turned into sex scenes in a dream.

Sexual dream content

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