Do dreams to others was rejected

Do dreams to others rejected what meaning be?Dream dream to others rejected?Dreamed to others rejected a reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed to others rejected the detailed solution.

Do dreams to others was rejected

Dream of confessions was rejected, good omen, means love will be very smooth.

Dreamed someone confession with you, show that the proposed, it is time to tell each other what do you want toTo get marriedThe willingness of;But if the other expressions in the dream, don't look happy, suggests that you are afraid of romance may be on the rocks.

Dream to secret admirer confessions, love will be very smooth, have an affinity for two people, should be many chances to make two people together, but can't be too active, also cannot too affectation!

Dream of be secret admirer confessions, indicate your rival in love of possibility is very large, at this point you must try again, especially not destroyed your image in the eyes of a lover, as long as the processing of good, you can do it, come on.

Dream of your boyfriend/girlfriend confession to you, says it is time to tell each other you will want to get married;But if the other expressions in the dream, don't look happy, suggests that you are afraid of romance may be on the rocks.

Dream to do others rejected case analysis

The dream description: I have a girlfriend, but today suddenly have a dream, dreamed I with anotherA womanI love.But she says she has a boyfriend, she said she came to the marriage age, so I refused, and then said, there is a way to together with me.That is to let my parents with his parents and both of us to live together.Then I woke up.

Dream parsing: oneself have girlfriend to have dreamed with another girl you don't love is not necessarily a girlfriend now.Also remind the dreamer to resist the "temptations"!

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