Dream of spitting

Dream of spit what meaning be?Dream dream of spitting, ok?Dream of spitting has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of spitting detailed solution.

Dream of spitting

Dream of spitting, gas gushes, taboo is auspicious.

Dream of people spit on themselves, will be insulted.

Patient dreamed of spitting, which indicated the virus vomit, the body will recover soon.

Dream to spit phlegm in Bangladesh, predict your behavior will come home to roost.

Dreamed that he spit, you will make money.

Dream isA womanSpitting, said it would insult.

Old man dreamed that he spit that recent fortunes fortune waves, more ups and downs, luck to with good just now.

Dream of being spit, attention should be paid to handle interpersonal relationships.

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