Dream to take off the teeth

Dream to take off the tooth is what mean?Dream dream to take off the teeth?Dream to take off the teeth have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream to take off the teeth of the detailed solution.

Dream to take off the teeth

Teeth is the important part the body of life daily life, dreaming that I take off the teeth because I at ordinary times is too worried about their teeth, teeth have been status) at this time you don't have to worry about.Maybe you should go to see a dentist, check have any tooth decay.

If the teeth has been very good and suddenly dreamt that take off a tooth, will have quarrels with people.Also has a bad ring in leisure activities.Clear, there is ShuiNan.Boating, surfing,swimmingfishingWater recreation, and so on, should be banned.To be very careful when other amusement.

Dream of tooth, which indicates that the dreamer may have quarrels with people, remind the dreamer to control their emotions, don't impulse, all the reconciliation;

Dreamed that he began to pulltoothMeaning, means growth, become mature,

Dream of losing teeth not painfulbleeding, indicating that the dreamer is undergoing change, there can be no real bad influence for my life;

Dreamed of his toothTooth, means that your family's health may appear problem, remind the dreamer to cared more about your family's health.

Tooth in the dream implication:

1, pure symbol itself there is something wrong with the teeth

Dream is a major source of physiological stimulation, so some of the meaning of the dream is the direct reaction of physiological conditions, such as a lot of people might have done in the dream to findThe toiletThe dream, and wake up mostly straight go to the toilet is convenient, in fact this is caused by bladder was piss up a dream.soDream away teethMay also be purely due to physiological factors, such as the decayed tooth or teeth have pathological changes, etc.

2, the symbol of the psychological regression or growth

In both cases would tooth, namely gradually and developing with age, and then dream of tooth generally has two meanings: one is the tragedy of aging, because the person is old will be loss of teeth.2 it is the joy of growth, because the child off teeth change new teeth when you grow up.Age no matter dreamer, he as long as the self-induction aging, or feeling, same time before he could do the dream of a tooth.Also, as long as he feel in growth, in the abandoned old new, he may do after the dream of a tooth.

3, the original strong beliefs may be shaken

Teeth is the most strong our body, so it is also a symbol of strong.And for our people in psychological have anything is associated with strong?The answer is like faith, traditions, values, world view, etc.soDream of teeth awayAlso symbolizes our original belief systems may be shaken.

4, the pressure in the heart, hidden in matters of the heart

Teeth is usually said "pressure in the heart, hidden in matters of the heart",The tooth outTo look at the source of feeling, the feeling of missing tooth often comes from other people's attitude to the dreamer.Dream of tooth is said to say no exports, is likely to be someone in the mind have words to say to you, but dare not say, each other heart there must be something important think I should tell you.

5, symbolize the relationship out of the question

Growth of teeth in the mouth, as the saying goes "articulate" is when the man is very will talk, so teeth and has a lot to contact a person's interpersonal, dreamed ofYour toothorLoose teeth, it is likely that you'll have quarrels with people, or you are in some kind of interpersonal relationship trouble, let you silence, or trouble yourself always tongue-tied in some occasions.

6, symbol want to lose weight

Teeth have a biggest function is to chew food, andTeeth away, that is to say the subtext of it actually can't chew food, and why a man refused to meals?We know that obesity and eating is a close relationship, and lost teeth, so they certainly cannot eat more, so will naturally slim down.So the dream ofOff teethSymbol, and the dreamer itself feel so fat, want to reduce weight.

7, symbol with patience and determination

Dream of tooth, you can also say patience, that is, the saying goes, "strike the teeth to the stomach swallow";Said lost action decisions, because the teeth can also be symbolic determination.

8, the symbol of the lost face or damaged self-image

Tooth also said "lost face" or "broken image" self, because I had lost the tooth face will be affected.Tooth also said not cautious, because the teeth are to be out of his mouth spit it out, and similar words.

9, in the home elders have health problems

Books are clearly pointed out that tooth is a symbol of "in mourning", dreams about losing teeth, is indeed a sign of bad luck, because the teeth are exposed bone tissue, tooth means "separation".Suggest you pay more attention to family where the health problem of parents and other elders, maybe it is their a phone concerns, carrying out that will be able to avoid.

This explanation is more widely circulated, existence of the existence of its own truth, suggest you do not neglect your family's health.

The originalDuke of zhou interpretsDream of tooth:

Tooth parents fierce - meaning since the fallDream of teeth awayMy parents' health may have a problem or has other accident;

Tooth fell more parturient cloth - meaning is a dream for a new future career and life will be prosperous.

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