Dream of carrying a gun

What's the meaning of dreamt that carry a gun?Dream dreamed that carry a gun?Dream of carrying guns have reality and the influence of the reaction, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of detailed solution say carry a gun.

Dream of carrying a gun

Traders dream of carrying a gun, means business misconduct will be blamed and face failure.

A womanDream of carrying a gun, means home may have been robbed.

Men dreamed of carrying a gun, means that you will be accused of public opinion.

Dreamed that he killed the man with a gun, you will be affected by public opinion, face the danger of failure and unemployment.

Dreamed someone fired on their own, is not injured himself, means that you will face criminal charges, but in the end may be immune from criminal punishment.

Dream of gun off accidentally, suggest you can have unfortunate things happen.

Dreaming that I amThe quiltHit.You will be subject to the intrusion of the wicked, may also have to bo

Women dream of shoot, mean bickering and sensational scandal.For married women, means another woman to your misfortune.

Dreamed that carry a gun

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