Dream of counter-current swimming

Dream of counter-current swimming is what mean?Dream dream of counter-current swimming, ok?Dream of counter-current swimming with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up help you dream of swimming upstream of the detailed solution.

Dream of counter-current swimming

Dream of upstreamswimming, friends will be worse.An incompatible students at ordinary times, may be the sinister trick for you, be careful not to fell into trap.

Let each part of the body feel the swimming.

Dreaming that I am swimming, means the body strong.

Dreamed that he swim across the river, the means for a test, the career will succeed.

Dream of others to swim across the river, will be in trouble.

Dream of the wifeSwim across the river, the couple will produce estrangement.

Dream of friends swim across the river, can be abandoned by friends.

Dream of swimmingCrossing the river, is a good omen, the enterprise will be successful.

A pregnant womanDream of swimming crossing the river, will encounter difficulties.

Dream of wife swimming crossing the river, couples will produce estrangement.

Dream of friends swimming crossing the river, abandoning their own.

Dream of enemies swimming crossing the river, can be surrendered to the enemy.

Dream of swimming animals cross the river, business will goes well.

Travelers dreamed that he was swimming crossing the river, travel will end.

Patient dreamed that he was swimming crossing the river, the body will recover soon.

Dream of comfortable swimming in the sea is the signs of success.

Encountered in the dream of swimming in person, there will be unexpected scene make you embarrassing.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: if the dream of swimming, the diving and there is a close correlation (dream of diving).If you swim current, it is the symbol of you break the nature of things.The fish swimming in the water and symbol of the seedspregnancyWish.If you were in the clear water, said you to experience the purification process.Conversely, if you are in the dark in the water swimming, the symbol may be depressed.

Psychoanalysis: water and swimming is always associated with your feelings.If you are "floating in the air", which related to intelligence.If the dream is a strong swimmer, symbol with your ability to control the emotional scenes.If dream about swimming technology is very poor, this may mean that you must learn to handle their own positive feelings.

Spiritual symbol: on spiritual level, the dream of swimming symbolize the emotional ups and downs.Affection is just one aspect of man's existence, neither overestimate, also cannot be underestimated.

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