Dream of urine trousers

What's the meaning of dream of urine trousers?Dream dream of urine trousers?Dream of urine trousers have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of urine trousers detailed solution.

Dream of urine trousers

Dream of urine trousers, portend for some things to yourself and feel embarrassed.

Dream of bed-wetting, bespeak his body that there might be a problem, or have it yourself.

A womanDreaming that I wet the bed that the family is longer than expected to recover.

Dream of pee, indicated that the life will be very happy.

Dream of pee, has warned in love.You will fall in love with age is much bigger than you.The other no attention to you, you feel very happy.Maybe you love is the love itself.

Hunters dream of pee, the main recent finances.

Patient dreamed that pee is rather recently, after fierce first.Good luck to some later than bad luck.All things can't work on the spot, instant success.

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