Dream didn't wear pants

What is the meaning of dream didn't wear pants?Dream dream not wearing pants?Dream of not wearing pants with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize a dream didn't wear pants detailed solution.

Dream didn't wear pants

Pants is lower your clothes.Didn't wear pants will cause moral privacy, part of the exposed, is an act of shameless, indecent.In a dream, don't wear pants represents the humiliation, representative's secret sexual desire.

Dreaming that I am not wearing pants that will meet their very embarrassing things, let oneself intention being laughed at in front of people.

Dream of strangers didn't wear pants, indicates his will have very good interpersonal relationship, but at the same time will give yourself a lot of small problems.

Dream of same-sex friends didn't wear pants, indicates his will and their feelings better.

Dream of the opposite sex friend didn't wear pants, indicates his will into affaires.

Dreamed that he and members of the opposite sex friend didn't wear pants, together, indicate his love will be very happy.

Dreamed that he wore a pants, promises to be his life make a peach blossom, candid, be careful with the other half to peep.

Dreaming that I am not wearing pants and then to get my pants off of the opposite sex, which indicated they will be locked in a peach in the trap, a lifetime will this damage.

Dream of not wearing pants

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