Dream of thirsty

What is the meaning of dream of thirst?Dream dream of thirst?Dream of thirst with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of thirsty detailed solution.

Dream of thirsty

Dreaming that I am thirsty, anxious mood, or inner have insatiable desire.

Wife dream of thirsty, may saidpregnancy

A man dreamed of quench your thirst for his wife, the wife to get pregnant.

Traders dream of thirsty, indicated that business will be under pressure.

In the dream she had found water to quench thirst, said the dreamer can resolve the problem.

Dreaming that others thirsty, I send beverage or water, said the dreamer will help others through.

Dreaming that others thirsty, I have water, said the dreamer selfish character, and will be to blame.

If often dreamed that he is like a fire, thirsty, also could mean you will wait for disease risk of high blood pressure, it is best to come to the hospital in time.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Thirsty, woman less children."The duke of zhou interprets"

Others thirsty, and serve."The duke of zhou interprets"

Quench your thirst for his wife, his wife in labor."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: thirsty main anxiety.Thirsty feel hard to endure, so thirsty often represent a kind of anxious mood.

Psychoanalysis: dreaming that I am thirsty, the mood will be impatient.If it isA womanDreaming that I am thirsty, will be anxious unbearable because of no birth.Traders dream of thirsty, will plummet and uncomfortable because of his business.Dream to give her a water quench thirst, means that his wife will soon delivery.

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