Dream of desire to desire

Dream of desire to desire is what mean?Dream dream of desire to desire, ok?Dream of desire to desire a reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of desire to desire the detailed solution.

Dream of desire to desire

Eager to invite, human desire is the root of all problems.

Dream of desire to get rich, or desireA womanSexual intercourse, or want to get a treasure, is ominous, disaster will happen.

Dream of people desire to be rich or desire for sexual intercourse with a woman, can find a bosom friend.

Dreaming that I have a strong desire, usually trouble.Regardless of the desire to get rich, desire and huan good women, still eager to find the treasure, all means misfortune.

Young women dream of anything in line with their own wish, said her life won't be disturbed, she is very satisfactory.

Bachelor dream girlfriend in line with their own wish, means he is handling affairs will improve soon.

Dream of desire to desire

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