Dream of a hat

What is the meaning of dreaming that hat?Dream dreamed that a hat?Dream of hat has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of hat the detailed solution.

Dream of a hat

Hat is the highest place in the people, the symbol of the people is the most important quality is integrity.

Dream of remove the beret, means that oneself will treachery.

Dreamed that get the hat, means good news, a beloved may agree andTheir marriage

Dream of get a hat, is likely to receiveTo get marriedThe notice.

Dream of hat was burning, means to pay for his treachery, will be bedridden or even died.

People used to wear a hat dream to buy a hat, can the success.

But not used to wear a hat of people dream of hat, unplanned means life, love to spend.

Dream of broken hat, are short of food and clothes, may also said the subconscious to sex with fear.

Men dreamed of lost clothes, shoes and hats, signs his wife during childbirth.

Dream of hat cloak blown away,The testThe sharp rise in transport.

A womanDream of a hat, home to the female guests.

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