Dream of fighting,

Dream of fighting what meaning be?Dream dream fight, ok?Dream of fighting with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of fighting the detailed solution.

Dream of fighting,

Dream of fighting with others, will be unhappy.

Dream of two people fight, want to be the judge.

Dream of two animals fight, there will be a pain.

Dream of fight with friends and family, streamline sac shy.

Dreamed of andA womanFighting, will be infamous.

Women's dream of fighting, the destruction.

Dream of fighting the case analysis

Dream description: a few days ago had a scary dream: I sit down on a pile of red brick, high, with a snake in front of the hit me, I fight it.Suddenly snake and snake attack me "on the back more and more, and there is nothing I can do, and finally woke with a start.(women, 22)

Dreams resolution: "red brick" are you in real life shows, it symbolizes the passion, rational and some stubborn;"Snake" is not shown on the other side of you, you hide it in my heart, it symbolizes your wisdom, gentle, delicate, more feminine side.Since you don't want to show the "snake" side, so it is in the dream to remind you: it exists;"Fight" means you don't accept it.So, try to behave in the future life "it".

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