Dream of defense

Dream of defense is what mean?Dream dream of defense?Dream of allegations have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up for the dream of you tidy excuse the detailed solution.

Dream of defense

Dreamed that will mean the salary promotion.

Adults dream, then your health started to improve, mental state health also is relatively stable, careful cold little trouble.

Dreaming that I am hard arguments, constantly lying, said plans to accidentally run smoothly.And has not solve the matter will be resolved, all my troubles will dissipate.

Dreaming that I take part in the debate, life will change, will became the leader of a party or a religious group, tens of thousands of people will be moved by his speech and articles, or sharply criticized by the press and the opponent's sarcasm.Anyway, will, however.

Dream of failure of the debate, predict too many enemies.Dreamed that won the debate, will make many new friends.

Dreamed that won the debate, will make many new friends.

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