Dreamed that someone CARES

Dream of caring is what mean?Dream dream of caring?Dream is concern with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of caring the detailed solution.

Dreamed that someone CARES

Dream of care, symbol of the maternal, is to the spirit of comfort.

Dream of caring others, suggest you will also feel very happy to help others.

Dream of caring, means so feel at ease, spiritual nutrition.

Dream of psychology

Explanation: dream a dream to see all the matters related to care of symbol of the people's basic needs, such as warm, recreation, protection, to make ends meet.In the beginning, almost all people seeking to satisfy these requirements related to mother's subject matter.As a result, the dreamer expression such basic desire in a dream, dream will always be associated with the mother.

Psychoanalysis: all the containers (such as cups, lamp, bowls, etc.) women are caring and symbol.With nutrition, breeding cattle milk the cattle or associated with the mother, so the symbol with the earth mother.

Spirit: from the spiritual point of view, dreamed of care are to mental comfort and nutrition.

Dream is caring case analysis

Description: dream dreamed that strange man CARES for themselves, and not to let me know.I a person at home boring, he express my books and magazines and food.Finally became my boyfriend, but left, the last is back.We first met as in house, and he seemed to have psychic powers.

Dreams resolution: dream of care by a stranger, you rely on heart, eager to find a can take care of your boyfriend.

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