Dream of a thief

Dream of a thief is what mean?Dream dreamed that thief?Dreamed that a thief has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of a thief the detailed solution.

Dream of a thief

Dream of the thief, indicate that you recently mood is not so stable finances have ups and downs.But traders dream of thieves, indicated that the business is thriving.

Dreamed that he became a thief that have money, money will have unexpected harvest.

Dreamed that found the little secretly things, said you might be a plan, step by step closer to a target.In addition, the dream of the thief, also may say you have improper sexual activity.

Dreamed he was walking and thieves, indicated that you will be rich.

Dream of someone you know has become a thief, said the subconscious you don't trust that man, although in the life, you may not be homely.

Dream of have the thief to his home burglary, remind you must be careful, recently may have encountered in the house of disaster.

Dreamed that the thief home invasion into and look around the room, say your curiosity about sex is very heavy, voyeurism.

If the thief left, didn't find you said you had an unknown secret sex.If a thief found you and attack you, indicate that you recently had a strong desire.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

See the bandits, the main business."The duke of zhou interprets"

Involved in theft, Lord has."The duke of zhou interprets"

Home stolen, and her husband divorced."The duke of zhou interprets"

Somebody else stolen, and noisy."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream a thief in the market.The city of dreams catch thief, the auspicious, no evil;Dream thief driven into the market, not auspicious, the fierce."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

A thief who dream room.Dream one room and who, small;One room without, who is the Lord break loss of his possessions."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: if the thief enter the dreamland, said you to experience the atmosphere of personal damage.Reasons may be in the outside, but caused more and more big heart the feeling of fear and difficult.

Psychoanalysis: so far there are still many people deny this, but there are more and more people believe that human psychology often rise into the consciousness of some, hope to look for opportunities to gain attention.

Spiritual symbol: from the spiritual point of view, this involves one huge invasion of the mental and physical.

Dreamed of a thief case analysis

Dream of holding a bag of money home, found the thief hiding in the home, he seems very afraid of me, I took him out to play, dozen of dying, I saw, her mother-in-law said know this man, chat, the thief intoThe mouseRun away.Is this what mean ah.

Dreams resolution: your friend will share with you the money or the fruits of their labors, and you sent the goods of very successful!Dream of money was stolen or dreamed of home has a thief: have money from door to door!dreamA fight: a friend request!Dream to catch the thief: handle affairs carefully, very well!

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