Dream without a face

Dream of man face is what mean?Dream dream of people without face ok or not?Acquaintance, no face reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up for the dream of you tidy the face of the detailed solution.

Dream without a face

Dream without face, may be a subconscious don't want you to see who is he/she, he/she make you feel afraid to worry.In real life, things should be careful, try to avoid arguing with people.

Dreaming that I become no face, very terror, said their actions will and run counter to his own heart, let oneself is very disgusting.

Dreamed that he saw no face, says he lives there will be a new threat.

Traders dream of no face, suggesting that business investment will fail.

Dream of no face and talk to you, means that life will be arguing with people.

A womanDream of people without face, suggesting that the appearance of a person makes you feel scared.

Dream without face of case analysis

A 】 【 case

Description: dream dreamed that I was watching a costume drama, the inside of the servants call a man Onmyoji, the man have no face.

Dreams resolution: no face people give a person the sense of mystery and terror, dreamed of a man is no face, may suggest you to men is full of curiosity, for they do not understand, feel they are very mysterious.

A 】 【 case

Dreamed a dream description: woman into countless face, ate everyone in our dormitory, just I didn't eat.

Dream parsing: this dream reflects your inexplicable horror psychology to female, may you had a very fierce woman, let you have this wrong.

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