Dream of stomach stomach

Dream of stomach stomach what meaning be?Dream dream of stomach stomach, ok?Dream of stomach stomach have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) dream of stomach stomach small make up to help you organize the detailed solution.

Dream of stomach stomach

Stomach, in real life, the person's stomach is hold, digestion and emotional generator, it and nervous system, is sensitive to what's going on in the environment, especially to negative emotions produce bigger reaction.

Dream of stomach, usually reflect the person's mood.If the dream of the stomach uncomfortable, said inner dreaming ease the mood, need to vent.

Dream of stomach pain, embodies the spirit of you is under great pressure, need to adjust in a timely manner.May also be said, on the other hand, you have the gastrointestinal system disease, should be vigilant, pay attention to diet.

Dream of something slowly into the stomach, said sorry.May have some practice on their own, or are not happy with the result of certain things and emotional ease of regret in my mind.

Dream of nausea, on the one hand, said a dreamer with anorexia, and ate the food, there will be a strong refused to desire.On the other hand, may also be said to dream people are greedy, or eating too much.

Dream about their stomach pain, upset stomach, explain the dreamer must express their inner feelings;

Dream of stomach swelling, pain, forecast of difficult to treat diseases dreamer;

Dream of stomach pain and vomiting, means that the dreamer may exist gluttony or anorexia.

Dreaming that I am upset stomach, explain the dreamer must express their inner feelings.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream washing stomach, ji, to renew the old times."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of psychology

Feel uncomfortable dream explanation: a dream, you must express inner feelings.Dreaming that I am vomiting said the mood have got the vent.Dream the feeling of the body is usually a reflection of real life.

Psychology analysis: people's stomach and nervous system, can produce larger response to negative emotions.One's heart some strong feelings usually in the form of stomach pain or vomiting in a dream.

Spiritual symbol: from this level, the dream stomach said you bear a huge mental pressure, timely catharsis is very necessary.

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