Dream of a net friend

Dream of a net friend is what mean?Dream dream of net friendly?Dream of netizens have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of detailed solution of netizens say.

Dream of a net friend

Dream of netizens represents your curiosity, want to the net friend mysterious veil, said your curiosity is higher and higher.

Dream of the net friend to seek me, indicated that cover ups and downs, luck at that time the excessive consumption of active energy, and easy to section on confidence.Might as well take it easy, the so-called cross the bridge when you come to it.

Dream and net friend meet, bespeak your heart was having an affair.

Dream of computer, on the one hand is the embodiment of the daily work pressure, on the other hand also can be said, memories, memories of information, or a symbol.

Dreaming that I am playing computer games, usually symbolizes life in some situations.If the dream feeling game at first, said the lack of experience, is trying to phase.If the dream feels very boring game, is the embodiment of the daily work, you may look forward to inner change a job.Dream of game over, said the dreamer wants to end the status quo, start all over again.

Dream of computer is a machine always, especially the critical moment when the machine, also reflect your inner anxiety for work and study.

Internet has two meanings, one is the entertainment to relax, but to escape from reality, is no mess you dreamed about on the Internet or playing computer games, there are some kind of escape psychological, especially in the dream reflects the desire is particularly strong desire during the day.Through the Internet, you can get a lot of information to buffer the reality of boredom and stress, the Internet is a kaleidoscope, protean can satisfy the people's psychology of novelty seeking.

Dream of the Internet, academic and career will decline, will be the teacher and the higher criticism.

A womanDream of the Internet, will be husband and mother-in-law blame for failing the housework.

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