Dream of people's appearance

Dream of man's appearance is what mean?Dream dream of man looks good?Dream of man's appearance with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up for the dream of man looks you tidy the detailed solution.

Dream of people's appearance

Dream of a beautiful and sincere face.Said in the near meters, you can find a satisfactory job and fun.

Dream of an ugly and evil face, so when you do business with people, be careful against you.

Dream of your face is swollen, or than the original red, suggests that a dream is to become a rich man.

Dream of distorted face, suggests that the dreamer in the near future may burn out because of something.

Dream of family members or a scary face, suggests that the dreamer in the process of contact with people, often closed the heart, not easily to open.

Dream of face how to wash all wash not clean, suggesting that the dreamer attaches great importance to their own image.

Dream of beautiful face, suggesting that the dreamer will be happiness.

Dream of happiness clear face, means that the dreamer will be happiness.

Dream of ugly face, facial features, frowning face, said the dreamer have a trouble, trouble, is likely to encounter a bad thing.

Young people dream of ugly face, indicated that the dreamer will happen twists and turns.

Dreamed that focus on someone's face, said the dreamer efforts to try to understand other people in their daily lives.

Dream through a mirror their own face, means that the dreamer hope solve the problem of how to express themselves in their daily lives.

Dream of cover his face, said the dreamer to hidden their power or refused to express your talents.

Happy dream to see the face of the clear, this is the best sign, but if the ugly face, facial features is not straight or to wink at you, said the trouble and difficulties will be waiting for you.

For young people, an ugly face that love happens twists and turns;The lovestruck men and women, see if a dream lover old many, this is a symptom of a fracture separation.

Dream of your face is swollen, or than the original red, to be a rich man.

Dream of distorted face, great trouble came.

Dreamed that his face turned pale or LaHuang, is the forerunner of financial ruin.

Dreamt of strange scary face, said can appear around your enemies and unfortunate events.

Dream to see your face, it is not pleasant, the symbol of the dream for married people to presage a divorce.

Dream to see her face reflected in the mirror above, say you are not satisfied with myself, may be a lack of capacity, so that can't do what they draw up plans, this dream is also said to your friend may lose respect for you.

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