Dream of people

Dream of people is what mean?Dream dream of people?Dream of people to have a real impact and response, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the detailed solution of the dream of people.

Dream of people

Dream to participate in public assembly, or listen to others speech, can fool.

Traders dream to attend public meeting, or listen to the report, opponent will losses to themselves.

Unmarried men dreamed of and their lovers in public assembly, is a bad omen.

Dream of the people's dream

The crowd a Lord, and all the people should be brothers and sisters, westerners often say that we are all god's children.The crowd in dreams represent the relatives and friends.

Dream of people, on behalf of his own work and career.If it is in the crowd, don't feel any discomfort, is you for your job and career is more satisfied, interpersonal relationship is good.

Dream to see a large group of wearing a neat people, is for entertainment, friends said they would make you happy and cheerful.

Dream of dress showily glamorous people, or there are many people who wear nice clothes together and means friends and relatives will attend his wedding, will soon be married.

Dream of people's clothes dirty and old, are mean the relatives and friends attend the funeral, his relatives will someone died.

Men dreamed of street crowd surging, and hold on, indicated that the business will be prosperous.

Women dream of people mountain people sea, the scene of prosperity, to appear on the market means that the family is very rich, money is very good.

Dreaming that I feel squeezed in the crowd, is unlucky dream, suggests that the body may be suffering from a disease.

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