Dream of authority

Dream of authority is what mean?Dream dream of authority?Dreamed that authorities have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed that authorities say the detailed solution.

Dream of authority

Dream of authority to teach their knowledge, said his career there will be progress.

Dream of authoritative expert rumours that his will get into trouble.

Dreamed of authority related meaning

Dream's boss, is the symbol of power, majesty, pressing.

Dream of the boss, and he and you are not the same life circle, shows that he too much control and intervention for you.

Dream of the boss, is a reflection of recent work or life pressure is too great.May work recently will encounter many obstacles, make you upset;May also have a lot of trouble, in life, let you feel very depressed and anxious.

When the boss is male in dream, but also contains the meaning of the superego.

Dreaming the boss his brothers and sisters, the husband or wife, symbolizes the dreamer is extremely satisfied to work recently, working as a dedicated career, has been deeply and life.

Dream of you are the boss, and at the head of the subordinates, means that you can experience the weaknesses of human nature, implies that you should take the more tolerance, modest attitude in dealing with people, pay attention to the cooperation with you, not pretentious, boasts a reaction.On the other hand, may indicate that you want to in a sexual relationship dominant.

Dream of being fired by the boss, may be parents refuse to symbolize childhood experience, leave you fear.If the dream is very friendly boss, it is said in the heart for someone to take care of the day of your daily life yearning.

Dream of fierce arguments or fights with the boss, says there is great pressure on work or contradiction, remind you'll think of some way to solve, or the real situation may further worsen.

Dream of psychology

Explanation: dream a dream of all sorts of all kinds of people said all aspects of your personality and inner world.

Psychological analysis: to understand the dream of all kinds of people passing by the different information, we have to in-depth analysis to them.Not all characters meaning must be fully analysis clear, sometimes, as long as you are able to understand their meaning and dream characters of behavior relationship.Do you often dream of two opposites or feel with two attitudes and behaviors are very different.This kind of situation usually reflects your character part of the contradictory.Objects can be in my dream you left an enduring impression, sometimes even make you touch base scene.Dream of their loved ones are usually reflects your jealousy.Dreamed of many together and dream together the meaning of the animals said similar, among them and each object represents an aspect of your own personality.If you can profoundly understand one of the characters, you can clearly understand your corresponding character level.

Dream of authority: in people's impression, his first see is their parents authority.One adult and the authority of the interactions is often decided by his experiences as a child, from a good helper to secular embalm heart farmers will produce certain effect to oneself.Dream authority can tell you what should do or the right, and no matter whether you at first, I agree.This kind of person, in fact, on behalf of the department job in your sense of self control judgment level, namely so-called "superego" in psychology.For you as a member of a society, the dream symbol police outside of his constraints and protection.

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