Dream of the fist

Dream of fist what meaning be?Dream dream of fist?Dream of fist with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of fist detailed solution.

Dream of the fist

Dreaming that I am the hands clench fist, or rubbing their hands, usually said business or in life have a delighted you particularly exciting things.

Dream of playing with his bare handsThe tiger, which indicated good fortune, especially "Yang metallographic people", although do not have too big change, but investment will be a small harvest, can be suitable for long-term investment, in the future to have a considerable income.

A man dreamed of shoot tigers with his bare hands, the recent luck is not very good, will encounter something goes wrong, need to have peace of mind to treat.

A womanDream of shoot tigers with his bare hands, foreshadow the luck is good, food LuFeng foot.

Singles dream of shoot tigers with his bare hands, portends a love is good, may and the side of the opposite sex relationship, small moved to support each other between lovers die cutting level was improved.

Workers dream of shoot tigers with his bare hands, and predict the work communication become more frequently, and others to gain the long can get a lot of help, but the implementation process is trivial, you will be presented with the idea of escape, a discretion to the heart.

Old man dreamed that shoot tigers with his bare hands, bespeak in general health, drinking water and exercise should be moderate control, the waist is easy to feel discomfort, pay special attention to protect themselves in the sports.

Students dreamed of shoot tigers, with his bare hands portendThe testYou have done very well, with their own efforts to get good grades.

Job seekers dream of shoot tigers with his bare hands, portends a job search in general, the attitude of the recruiters are vague, becomes unclear.

Dream of boxing, usually said the heart of enemy hostile.

If dreaming that I was knocked out in boxing, may also have guilt psychology hint about something in your heart, the subconscious in the punishment.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dreams were bound boxing brings to, fierce.Dream the battlefield is lu, litigation, detention camp for being deceives, snobbish., over the matters relating to be cautious."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream two boxing gradually big, ji.Job promotion, LuWei rise of trillion.Writers dream this big expensive;Ordinary people dream of this, will be commissioned by noble;Blow to the dreams, grain foot soldiers."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dreams have Jin Wanzi boxing, ji.Her dream of this, produce kirin given birth;Meet the good men dream, this disease."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

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