Dream of wife, the wife

Dream of wife, the wife is what mean?Dream dream of wife, the wife is good?Dream of wife wife of reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up help you dream of wife, the wife of the detailed solution.

Dream of wife, the wife

Dream hug his wife, promised by separation or separated with his wife.

Dream of separation with his wife, said you will be more pain love his wife.

Dream of married a noisy wife, said busy life, comfortable and happy.

If seeing his wife was adultery with others in the dream, also said you chafed under present situation.

Dream of his own wife married someone else that his wife may encounter bad things such as natural disasters, take extra care.

Dream of the wifeDead, said she would live long, couples harmony.

Prisoners dream of quarrel with his wife, to see his wife dream soon, and will be conjugal love.

Widower who dream of late wife, with an educatedA womanTo get marriedAnd she would be the cause of his assistant.

A man unconscious dream of his wife, his wife is in labor, is about to get a lovely child.

The married man dreamed that his wife suddenly fainted, coma, signs of his wife has a miscarriage, want to go to the hospital in time for review, make sure that both doing well.

Dream of his own wife to cheat, said you are not satisfied, but instead for some extra effort, to get a promotion, get the admiration of the people around you, that relationship will be better.If the latest derailed dreamed that his wife had quarreled with his wife, husband, indicated that the relationship will be friends.

Dream of quarrel with his wife, family harmony, happiness of life.If it is with the family separation, haven't seen his wife's people dream of a quarrel with her, said it would see wife soon.

Zhouyi dream

Wife in man's dream, no symbolic significance, is his wife.

In a dream or in reality, you and your wife relationship includes you and your mother or your "nima" relationship.

See the dead wife is a common dream.Try to feel her, love her in your heart, not just the presence of an external.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream of playing his wife, the main loss of goods."Dunhuang dream book"

Dream of wife ill, lose the money."Dunhuang dream book"

Dream of wife dozen body, have a wife."Dunhuang dream book"

The dream of a wife with a knife, and raise the speed."Dunhuang dream book"

The dream of a wife with a knife, the son."Dunhuang dream book"

Dream of wife thick makeup, will be."Dunhuang dream book"

Dream of wife is fond of, financial resources."Dunhuang dream book"

, the dream of a wife."Dunhuang dream book"

Dream of who divorces his wife, very rich."Dunhuang dream book"

Dream a wife to marry someone else.Main possessions, Yin infidelity, portal emptiness, ominous."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream wife is sick, main room home sick.The broken dream secretary

Dream to his wife to be his wife.Dwelling place of Yin qi, sun be the spirit failure, appropriate migration."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

The jinyi, gave birth to a son."The duke of zhou interprets"

Marry sites, the happiness."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: the concept of family is completely safe, the first impression can reproduce, and grandchildren.Generally speaking, if the child can't inherit, so the pattern of family will suffer damage.Through dreams, people try to correct the pattern again, the scene of the destruction or confirmed.Dreams may involve disputes with a family member, but the interpretation of dreams is not only involves the dream.Also with the man with you the actual relationship for a reason.The future of the family relations are influenced by family add staff.

Psychology analysis: people strive for their own individuality development and perfection that cause some of the contradictions and conflicts, it is common in family relationships.Of course, it is not essential to every family.People in a dream "mercy" game chart of family members, so as to show their faces difficulties, but not to hurt anyone.There is a noteworthy fact that if a member of the family committed to the interpretation of dreams, he has profound influence in the other family members, affect their activities and the subconscious mind tacit understanding.People all kinds of problems during their lifetimes can almost without exception response in the family.To meet a huge burden of time, you often dreamed of family had problems and difficulties.

Spirit: dream wife: this kind of relationship quality depends more on the man himself.If he had told mother in childhood, fruitful, so he will play a good husband in a dream.Any loss on your wife or girlfriend looks like mother's loss.

Dream of wife wife of case analysis

"Dream case 1"

Fang Mingyou since the childhood has been dating friend, the friend is a man of family are all very outstanding appearance.After marriage, shirakawa busy living, and the contacts of your friends are less.One night, he dreamed of his wife and the friendTo make loveConfronted, he and his wife, the wife is okay, is nothing.

Dreams resolution: dream of wife betrayal, also did you didn't care, this is explained in subconsciousness is the dreamer is vulnerable to temptation, but the dream of the modification, show the betrayal of his wife.The dreamer is dreaming about this, because he was afraid, afraid of being his wife ignore, afraid she don't love her.Due to low self-esteem, lies in that a friend feel inferior.Friend is very outstanding, let oneself, because their vulnerable to induce guilt at the same time, the produce of inferiority, so. SoothsayersIf in the future life, the dreamer cannot change now mood and behavior, act confident, bad things will happen.

"Dream case 2"

Dream I through a wedding, but not very exciting, after met my wife.Wife is very tall, as soon as they met bad to ruthlessly walked to come over, to give the appearance of people, suddenly scared me to wake up...(male, 16 years old)

Dreams resolution: age, just dream of married, there is no good or bad.But the dream of looking for a wife "hedong animal roars at fellow players", means that in the future life will be happy and comfortable.Because although his wife is noisy, the wife often atmosphere and capable.

】 【 dream example 3

Recently for a period of time the wife to me is not very satisfied, our relationship is almost dropped to their lowest since married.Dreams, we whole family seems to be split.A man will let his wife after we broke up.Another I live, another is our the original home.House so much that every time I returned home after frantically looking for a wife.Every time full head big sweat, his wife appeared in front of me.A face of despise and apathy.(male, 34)

Resolution: dream house is husband and wife love's cabin.But in the dream, the "love's cabin" has three incarnations, shows the emotional confusion and bewilderment.Two people have no common ownership, there would be no love.Dream every time you go home, are struggling to find within the three house, the actions of such a wife to you scorn and indifference.Love has reached the end.

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