Dream of concubine concubine

What is the meaning of dream concubine concubine?Dream dream concubine concubine?Dream concubine concubine have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of concubine concubine detailed solution.

Dream of concubine concubine

The married man and live separately with other women say certainly (also called an affair).A man who is certainly have called lover,A womanCalled concubines.

Men dreamed of concubines, said he is about to reputation, is likely to lead to his career never recovered.

Women dreamed that he is someone else's concubine, said her erratic behavior, so that reputation.

Dreaming that I embrace her husband kept womanThe little boyWith the new dirtyThe quiltThe parcelThe childThat you may be encountered in the work or life unhappy things, but also must accept him, the dream is your psychological resistance.

In the dream, found that the partner had an affair, represents the dreamer to partner's deep love, portends a family will be very happy.

Dream of the husbandHave a kept woman, suggests that the dreamer in care about her husband's heart, and hope he can consistently love himself.

Dream of the wifeHave a lover, suggests that the dreamer inner place loves his own wife, at the same time hope my wife will also be able to love ourselves, unconditionally.

Dream of wives, good omen, means very worried about his wife.

Dream of wife cheating, also means that some aspects as his wife is very worried about losing his wife.

Dream of cheating husband, means he is concerned about her husband.

Dream of her husband, promises to be a relationship is harmonious.

Dreaming that I am cheating, inDuke of zhou interpretsOriginal intention of the means that you are a desire happiness, the pursuit of happiness, but in reality may not satisfied in this aspect, so such a situation can only be seen in the dream.

Dreamed that he again and again cheat, this is must pay attention to your life too tired recently, and in the case of pressure not to vent, is likely to make some aggressive behavior.

Dream of the affair is discovered, means the affection between husband and wife will be more harmonious, and quality of life will become better than before.

A man dreaming that I am cheating, means very worried about his wife, think in some ways than his wife is afraid of his wife will be away from yourself.

Women dream of cheating, says he is concerned about the relationship between the husband and, don't want a couple where, hope to be able to continue to be happy.

Merchant dreaming that I am cheating, predict their own business may suffer losses because of something gross, but can't be compensated.

Dreaming that I am cheating, staff said you have to be careful some new colleagues, may you very well on the surface, but secretly may be doing something against you.

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