Dream of the army

Dream of the army is what mean?Dream dream of army?Dreamed that the army has the reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up help you dream of the army of the detailed solution.

Dream of the army

The army is the army of land warfare, the dream in the army, symbolizes the life journey of steady progress.

Dreamed of in the army to you from the queue or stand in situ, suggest you go forward positive enterprising spirit, and will be steadfast, steady pursuit of the development of the career.

Dream in the army, suggests that the dreamer hope can surely steady progress.

Dreamed that he was the army that the dreamer has made steady progress in their career.

Dream of see army, means that the dreamer life for the better development step by step.

A man dreamed of the army, career will be more smooth, stability and development.

A womanDream of the army, indication, comfortable relationship harmony, husband a steady income, life quality improved steadily.

In addition, the dream of grand army of the queue, or army soldiers, sometimes just said you yearning to the masculine temperament of soldiers, or the desire of the past had joined the army.

Dream of the army's case analysis

Description: dream a dream, I dream of troops are doing exercises, tanks rumble in the previous way, Mercedes Benz car following behind.Car sitting on army soldiers, they hand steel, male correct and in high spirits, let a person with the feeling of admiration of love and admiration.

Dreams resolution: symbol the stable solid army soldier in a dream, this dream, point your work stable, comfortable.

Dream of the army

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