Dream of bisexual

What is the meaning of dream of bisexual?Dream dream of bisexual?Dream of bisexual have reality and the influence of the reaction, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of bisexual detailed solution.

Dream of bisexual

Dreaming that I am a bisexual, is likely to suffer.

Dream of bisexual or androgynous creatures, said you are not satisfied with their own gender role in doubt or.

Old man dreaming that I am a bisexual, the main recent luck gradually into a smooth, but do not act too hastily, must step by step.

Dream of yourself or others is a bisexual, suggested that you should to luxury, dissolute life you want to change, if I do not know to repentance, will eat bitter fruit.

Dream of bisexual people depends on the specific interpretation of dreams.

A womanDreamed that he become a bisexual person sex with a woman, in the real life of discontent, often being bitter, and neighbors quarrel is inevitable;But dream about sex with men, is a good omen, family love life will make you satisfaction, and every day in excitement.

Men dreamed of themselves as bisexual person sex with a woman, freedom is a typical playboy, overshoot is self-sufficiency, finally descended into alone unavoidable oh;But dream and male (please use civilization terminology system: love union environment), they will be too conservative, one hand tied behind your back, missed a lot of opportunities, life is just a mediocrity.

Dreamed that there are a lot of bisexual person, is not auspicious trillion, where natural disasters occur, should be wary of as early as possible.

Dream of psychology

Explanation: dream dreamed of bisexual or androgynous creature said you are not satisfied with their own gender role in doubt or.In addition, if you wish to have a further understanding of itself, you must work hard in a side their rational and emotional balance, and this kind of mental state will appear in your dreams in the form of bisexual performance.

Psychoanalysis: children in the process of growth will gradually understand, some behavior is reasonable and can be accepted, while others can't.As a result, they are part of human nature repressed and in subsequent days can be released.A similar problem causes people to doubt, then in the dream to the particular form of bisexual.

Spiritual symbol: a dream of bisexual said a complete balance.

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