Dream of the army

Dreamed that the military is what mean?Dream dream of army?Dreamed that the army has the reality and the influence of the reaction, but also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed that the army's detailed solution.

Dream of the army

Neat troops, is the symbol of good luck, go forward, and good future.

Dream of legislation from the armed forces or in situ, suggest you will be lucky.If the dream army left, may you will meet misfortune.

Dream of military defeat, suggests that the dreamer will have a bad, bad days.Dream of military victory, indicated good door, into a good fortune.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream of the cry, stirred ghosts, giovanni cobolli gigli."Dunhuang dream book" see military defeat, prime."The duke of zhou interprets"

The army to ji, who fierce."The duke of zhou interprets"

Outside forces to dream.Dream this, and should not be officer, should not be moved, in business is unfavorable, appropriate of litigation."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: military transport.Military presence there are always two possible, victory or defeat, dream of the army is good or bad luck.

Psychological analysis: the dream of the army, dreamed that forces the battles, is auspicious dreams, this means in real life when you are in the wind, as long as you continue to work hard, can gain greater success.If the dream of troops leave, or dream of military defeat, this implies that you will meet some unpleasant things recently, or workplace encounter "Waterloo", and leave you bleeding on the struggling to cope with.It's no big deal, guidelines, life has a high tide is low, trench, can reach the other side of the ideal.

Dream of the army's case analysis

The dream description: may be the cause of the military, in my dream, often dream of the life forces.Once, I dream of military flag waving, trumpeter loud, a list of huge team head came in.I was excited, rather the feeling of happiness.(male, 28)

Resolution: dream dream army, represents the good luck with the future.Dream of the army, or the army, is the symbol of good luck will come.Dream of army beat, predictor in the future days everything goes well with you.Dream of military defeat, means that you will meet the temporary difficulties.Dream of military flag waving, trumpeter loud, it shows that your future, the future.

Such as dream of the army, is the symbol of steady progress.

Dream of the navy, is the symbol of career and career, predictor for your future, career move.

Dream of the air force, represents the career took off.

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