Dream of the customer

Dream of what customers mean?Dream dream of customers?Dreamed that customers have a real impact and response, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the customer's detailed solution.

Dream of the customer

Traders dream of argue with the customer, business will not smooth, less income.

Traders dream and customersA fight, it is auspicious, can make a fortune.

Traders dream of hate their customers, means customers an endless stream, profit doubled.

Businessman dreamt that promises to customers, income will be reduced.

Have guests of the door, suggest you may receive messages of distant friends or relatives.

Dream of the master of his own as a courtesy, to entertain visitors, said your situation is improving.

Dreaming that I am very reluctant to entertain guest, say you now need to make adjustments to improve plan.

Single men and women dream of home to the guest, find Mr Right soon.

Traders dream of home to the guest, will find the right business partners.

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