Dream of translation

Dream of translation is what mean?Dream dream of translation, ok?Dream of translation have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of translation detailed solution.

Dream of translation

Translation is a few things with explanation in a way that is easy to understand once, dream translation often represent some vague things need to know yourself.

Dream of when translation, or hire a translator, signaled the work or in life you will often contact.

Dream of a translator in give you do translation, suggest you are fool.

Migrant workers dream of translation, indicate that you will have a lot of work to learn because of the lack of experience.

Traders dream of translation, your career will be in the bottleneck stage, the need to go out to look at.

Dreaming that I am doing in English translated into Chinese, indicate that you are in danger period, especially in love.

Dream of can speak fluent foreign language translation process, said the dreamer attitude sexually mature.

Whereas dream of translation swallow mouth spits, said the dreamer before sexual maturity and looked forward to the pure love.

Dreamed of translation case analysis

The dream description: I am a college student, I studied foreign language professional.Last night, dreamed that he is a translator of a company, to follow the lead of the company to go abroad.Dream, I translate English very fluently, obtained the leadership of both parties.I am very happy.

Dreams resolution: are you a foreign language professional learning, you have to do is translation work in the future, this dream can be understood as, you really looking forward to you to apply what you learn in practice.As you can see from my dream and you are very confident, you study result is quite good.

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